Nutritional IV Drips therapy involves the administration of an amalgamation of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly to the blood stream bypassing the digestive system. This helps in the overall wellness of the body.
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Myers Cocktail

This drip is originally formulated by the Dr. John Myers, M.D. for addressing chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue, migraine and general wellness support. It involves the administration of vitamin and minerals.

Ingredients: IV fluid +Vitamin B Complex +Vitamin B12+Vitamin C + Astymine + Magnesium Chloride

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OMG Drip

This drip helps to provide essential fatty acids for the optimal health. It helps to reduce inflammation.

Ingredients: Omega Fluid

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Booster Shots

Vitamins booster shots are generally administered through intramuscular or subcutaneous injections which are designed to provide a quick and direct supply of essential vitamins to the body. These shots can be combined with vitamins and minerals to address specific nutritional needs or deficiencies.

Ingredients: Vitamin B12 Booster Shots, Vitamin D3 Booter shots

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Immune booster drip

An infusion of immune booster drip is to enhance the immune system of the body. This IV treatments provide the body with essential nutrients and vitamins to help strengthen the immune response.

Ingredients: IV Fluid + Vitamin B complex + Vitamin B12 + Vitamin C + Glutathione + Zinc

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Energy and Focus Drip

This drips provide you the better performance at your job and helps you to have more energy and recover faster. The blended ingredients will support athletic performance, joint health and muscle recovery. This drip also helps in the acceleration of your metabolism by burning more calories and recharge your cells.

Ingredients: IV Fluid +Vitamin B Complex +Vitamin B12+Vitamin C+ L-Carnitine

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Mitochondrial Booster

Mitochondrial booster drip helps in the metabolism and generation of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy currency of the cell.

Ingredients: NAC + Levocarnitine + Vitamin B complex + Biotin + Folic Acid + IV Fluids

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Hangover Drip

This drip helps you to walk into the real world. It will rehydrate you with making the perfect balance of electrolytes and your fluids. This also provides you the relief from the nausea, tiredness and headache.

Ingredients: IV Fluid + IV Vitamin B Complex + Vitamin B12 + Glutathione + Anti-nausea and vomiting fluids.

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Vitamin C Drip

Anti-Inflammatory drip for combating viruses, bacteria and seasonal allergies.

Ingredients: Vitamin C + IV fluids

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Jet Lag Drip

Jet lag drip supports you with essential nutrients. Jet lag drip is primarily caused by disruptions to the body’s internal circadian rhythm due to rapid travel across multiple time zones. It helps in fatigue, insomnia, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Ingredients: Fluids + Electrolytes + Vitamin C + Vitamin B complex + Magnesium

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Glutathione drip

This drip helps in the detoxification pathway, boosts immune system and anti-ageing effects.

Ingredients: Glutathione + N- Acetyl Cysteine + IV Fluids